Marxist Bulletin No. 4
Expulsion from the Socialist Workers Party
Letter to Wohlforth
By James Robertson
New York City
January 2, 1964
Tim Wohlforth
New York
Dear comrade Wohlforth,
Upon due consideration in the light of our recent expulsions, I have been led inescapably to the conclusion that it continues to be in the political interest of our tendency for your group to remain in the SWP. Therefore it is our responsibility to assist your grouping in maintaining itself within the party despite the role which you played in making possible our own expulsions.
Consequently, I want to communicate to you two pieces of information which you may find useful to know in protecting your membership in the SWP. Comrade Myra Weiss has told us that at the recent party plenum she felt it necessary to defend our tendency against the charge of being ‘Healyite agents’. As you will recall, I mentioned to you previously that this summer Feingold had spread the story in Los Angeles that ‘Robertson had raised a lot of money for Healy.’ When Myra came forward to defend us against the drive to exclude us from the party, we turned over to her copies of all relevant documents and also told her of the money rumor being circulated as well as the true facts behind it.
To clear this whole point up, Myra read to the plenum previously unpublished sections from the original version of the document which comrade Philips had brought back from England ayear ago and which your tendency submitted to the party in edited form as the ‘Call for the Reorganization of the Minority Tendency.’ While Myra’s action certainly absolved us from any current organizational association with the SLL, it may have placed your tendency in additional jeopardy.
The other information is related. We are giving serious thought to shortly publishing a series of informational and documentary bulletins for public sale and directed especially to the party membership. One particular sequence of material to be covered would include a bulletin under the tit1e ‘The Split in the Revolutionary Tendency,’ consisting in part of our correspondence exchanges with comrade Healy over the period November 1962 — January 1963. Comrade Healy has already granted his express permission in his letter of 29th May, 1963 to use his writing as we see fit: “So far as we are concerned, you are at perfect libertyat any time to publish any correspondence you have had with us.” However, formal permission does not exhaust our responsibility so we are giving this advance notice of our contemplated step. This should permit you to take measures to counter possible adverse effects within the party upon your reorganized tendency.
James Robertson