Home Page

Trotsky on tactics: ‘Learn to think’ – Should Marxists be indifferent to NATO? (19 October 2024)

It is hard to square a circle – Spartacist incoherence re: Robertson, Logan & Vicky, ca. 1973 (21 September 2024)

Response to ICL retraction of historic slanders (15 August 2024)

Bolshevik #7 is now available (12 August 2024)

Leaflet distributed at IG/SL debate in New York (Saturday 13 January 2024) – now in html (9 August 2024)

No Vote to Labour! Down with Starmer – no to austerity, genocide and war! (26 June 2024)

Was ist das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht? (23. Mai 2024)

Bolshevik édition française N°1 (Mai 2024)

An injury to one is an injury to all—Drop the charges against Michael Pröbsting (01 May 2024)

О военной поддержке против политической (25 апреля 2024)

Für einen bi-nationalen Arbeiterstaat in Palästina-Israel! (17. April 2024)

Bolshevik #6 is now available (30 March 2024)

A few questions for Irish Socialist Party comrades (24 March 2024)

For a bi-national workers’ state in Palestine-Israel! (06 March 2024)

Lenin on Imperialism (21 Feb 2024)

Bolschewik Nr. 42 jetzt erhältlich (3. Februar 2024)

Former Spartacist cadre comments on BT statement re: IG-SL debate (31 January 2024)

On the recent IG-SL debate (28 January 2024)

A letter to an IG contact (25 January 2024)

BT contribution to the second session of the IG/SL debate (18 January 2024)

BT contribution to the first session of the IG/SL debate (18 January 2024)

Flugblatt, das bei der IG/SL-Debatte in New York verteilt wurde (18. Januar 2024)

Leaflet distributed at IG/SL debate in New York (18 January 2024)

Defeatism and the Ukrainian working class (1 January 2024)

Defend Gaza–Down with Murderous Zionist Aggression (11 December 2023)

Präsentation der BT bei der Ukraine-Debatte mit der SL (9. Dezember 2023)

Presentación de la Tendencia Bolchevique en el debate sobre Ucrania con la Liga Espartaquista (1 diciembre 2023)

An exchange on BT-SL debate with a former Spartacist cadre (27 November 2023)

BT comments prepared for Toronto anti-NATO protest (23 November 2023)

Toronto protest (Wed 22 Nov) – “End NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine” (20 November 2023)

BT presentation at Ukraine debate with SL (12 November 2023)

Initial report on Ukrainian war debate (11 November 2023)

Defend the Palestinians – Oppose Zionist Terror Attack on Gaza (21 October 2023)

11 November in London – Ukraine War Debate: What strategy for Marxists? (13 October 2023)

End NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine! Disband NATO! Canada Out of NATO! (08 October 2023)

Palästinensische Befreiung & bi-nationaler Arbeiterstaat (2. Oktober 2023)

Toronto Anti-War Protest on 1 October 2023, 1pm, at Spadina/Bloor, Matt Cohen Park (30 September 2023)

Lenin über den Imperialismus (24. September 2023)

Sur l’attitude des révolutionnaires à l’égard de la police (English version included – Revolutionaries’ attitude to the police) (08 septembre 2023)

Alerting the Socialist Party to an omission on their website (21 August 2023)

Хто ми (21 липня 2023)

Solidarność: Prueba de fuego para los trotskistas (19 julio 2023)

Audio du forum sur l’initiative chinoise “la Ceinture et la Route” le 27 mai 2023 (15 juillet 2023)

Marxismo y el reformismo de ‘Militant’ (14 julio 2023)

За троцкизм! (5 июля 2023)

« En plein dans le mille » : un ancien cadre de la SL réagit à la déclaration de la TB sur la correction du GI concernant la Russie contre l’OTAN (30 mai 2023)

Mieux vaut tard que jamais – Correction du GI sur la Russie contre l’OTAN… «  devrait être plus précise et plus honnête » (30 mai 2023)

Nieder mit den Angriffen auf die Kommunistische Organisation! Gegen jegliche Gewalt innerhalb der Linken und Arbeiterbewegung! (23. Mai 2023)

L’OTAN contre la Russie en Ukraine – Une épreuve de vérité pour les trotskistes (17 mai 2023)

Drop the charges against APSP supporters! (24 April 2023)

Mumia’s birthday celebrated in London (24 April 2023)

Audio recording of the BT online forum “China’s Belt and Road Initiative & Imperialist Blowback” (04 April 2023)

Audio recording of presentation at BT Forum on 25 March “Class Struggle on the Waterfront – Lessons from the ILWU” (30 March 2023)

Online forum – China’s Belt and Road Initiative & Imperialist Blowback – Sunday 2 April (25 March 2023)

BT Forum “Class Struggle on the Waterfront – Lessons from the ILWU” – Sat 25 March (20 March 2023)

Besser verspätet als nie – Internationalistische Gruppe: Korrektur zu Russland gegen NATO…„sollte präziser und ehrlicher sein” (20. März 2023)

Кто мы (20 марта 2023)

‘En el blanco’: un antiguo cuadro de la Liga Espartaquista comenta la declaración de Tendencia Bolchevique sobre la rectificación del Grupo Internacionalista respecto a Rusia y la OTAN (19 marzo 2023)

The Issue Is Mumia Abu-Jamal:Innocent and Framed – By Rachel Wolkenstein 2014 (18 March 2023)

THE CASE OF MUMIA ABU-JAMAL: 40 YEARS LATER – by Eliot Lee Grossman (14 March 2023)

Zu politischer gegenüber militärischer Unterstützung (13. März 2023)

FREE MUMIA! Event at ILWU Local 10, San Francisco – Saturday 11 March (10 March 2023)

Materialien einer unser deutschen Vorgängerorganisationen, Gruppe IV. Internationale, sind nun erhältlich (5. März 2023)

Added Русский (Russian) and Українська (Ukrainian) sections to web site (5 March 2023)

Das Archiv unserer deutschsprachigen Zeitung Bolschewik ist nun komplett (5. März 2023)

Sobre el apoyo militar y el apoyo político (4 marzo 2023)

On military vs political support (22 February 2023)

Upcoming Madrid protest against the war in Ukraine (22 February 2023)

Protest demands freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal (21 February 2023)

Sobre la ‘Asamblea Constituyente Revolucionaria’ (20 febrero 2023)

Más vale tarde que nunca – La rectificación del Grupo Internacionalista sobre Rusia contra la OTAN… ‘debiera ser más precisa y más honesta’ (16 de febrero 2023)

19 February ‘Rage Against the War Machine’ Protest in D.C. (12 February 2023)

BT supporters attended protests against the racist police murder of Tyre Nichols (11 February 2023)

On Trotskyist history & revolutionary continuity (10 February 2023)

Port Shutdown & Protest: International Action to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, San Francisco on 16 February 2023 (10 February 2023)

Bolschewik Nr. 41 jetzt erhältlich (7. Februar 2023)

Solidarity with Heiner Bücker! Down with censorship clauses 130 and 140! (02 February 2023)

¡Solidaridad con Heiner Bücker! ¡Fuera los artículos de censura 130 y 140! (31 enero 2023)

Solidarität mit Heiner Bücker! Weg mit den Zensur-§ 130 und 140! (30. Januar 2023)

La Fracción Trotskista sobre Ucrania: la vacilación del centrismo (17 enero 2023)

James P. Cannon: America’s Pioneer Trotskyist (31 December 2022)

China en África (23 diciembre 2022)

NATO gegen Russland in der Ukraine – Ein Lackmustest für Trotzkisten (9. Dezember 2022)

Audio recording of online forum “Russia’s campaign to de-NATOize Ukraine” (07 December 2022)

Fake “Socialist” Boyd Barrett supports European imperialism against Russia (06 December 2022)

La OTAN contra Rusia en Ucrania (28 noviembre 2022)

‘Bullseye’: ex-SL cadre reacts to BT statement on IG correction re: Russia v NATO (28 November 2022)

Better late than never – IG correction on Russia v NATO…’should be more precise and more honest’ (25 November 2022)

Upcoming online forum (Saturday 3 December) – Russia’s campaign to de-NATOize Ukraine (18 November 2022)

Bolschewik Nr. 40 jetzt erhältlich (15. November 2022)

Will Lehman’s UAW presidential campaign: a poison pill (07 November 2022)

Update on the case of Mumia Abu Jamal (06 November 2022)

El mito de la China capitalista (25 octubre 2022)

The day after we published “NATO vs Russia in Ukraine—A litmus test for Trotskyists” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed our view that “Russia’s victory is NATO’s defeat” (16 October 2022)

China in Africa (15 October 2022)

NATO vs Russia in Ukraine—A litmus test for Trotskyists (10 October 2022)

Bolshevik #3 & Bolshevik #4 are now available on the web site (30 September 2022)

Offener Brief an die Genossinnen und Genossen der Kommunistischen Organisation (25. September 2022)

Rusia reacciona ante la invasión imperialista (12 septiembre 2022)

Presentation at online panel discussion on Ukraine war (11 September 2022)

NATO/USA gegen Russland – eine trotzkistische Analyse (19. August 2022)

A comment on Ukraine to former SL members (16 August 2022)

Audio recording of the BT presentation at Emergency International Anti-War Conference (22 July 2022)

On RedMed’s ‘International Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Declaration’ (22 July 2022)

Exchange with a former member of the Spartacus Youth League (19 July 2022)

Correction on Ukraine (12 July 2022)

Defend Abortion Rights Through Mass Action! (10 July 2022)

Remarks at a conference on the Russia/Ukraine war (08 July 2022)

NATO/US vs Russia in Ukraine—A Trotskyist Analysis (speech delivered at Lutte Ouvrière’s Fête on 27 May 2022)

Shifting Positions on Ukraine Conflict (07 June 2022)

Öko-Sozialismus & „Green New Deal“-Wunschträume (5. Juni 2022)

May Day 2022 (04 May 2022)

A correction to ‘Jimstown as we knew it’ (03 April 2022)

A ‘technical problem’ motivating Russian opposition to NATO on its border (03 April 2022)

Video of “Marxists speak out on the conflict between Russia and imperialism” (27 March 2022)

BT supporter to speak at “Marxists speak out on the conflict between Russia and imperialism” (24 March 2022)

Bolshevik Tendency supporter speaks at “Crisis in Ukraine! The Left and the Current Crisis” (15 March 2022)

Russland reagiert auf imperialistisches Vorrücken (9. März 2022)

IG joins centrist muddle heads on Ukraine (1 March 2022)

Audio recording of “NATO/US v Russia in Ukraine – a Trotskyist Analysis” public forum (28 February 2022)

Russia reacts to imperialist encroachment (27 February 2022)

Trotskyist Fraction on Ukraine – Centrist Waffling (25 February 2022)

Online public meeting (27 February) – NATO/US v Russia in Ukraine – a Trotskyist Analysis (19 February 2022)

Once More on IBT & ‘Russian Imperialism’ (14 February 2022)

IBT identifies subsidies for neo-colonies as proof of ‘Russian imperialism’ (06 February 2022)

Jimstown as we knew it (01 February 2022)

Der Mythos vom kapitalistischen China (9. Januar 2022)

Audio recording of “What was the Chinese Revolution and where is it going?” panel discussion (01 January 2022)

Twilight Capitalism – A Book Review (10 December 2021)

COP26 – how much more blah, blah, blah (28 November 2021)

Kyle Rittenhouse Goes Free – Fascists Celebrate (27 November 2021)

Bolshevik #2 now available (20 November 2021)

Correcting an Error on the CCP and COVID-19 (18 November 2021)

Bulletin #1 of the External Tendency of the iSt is now available (24 October 2021)

Contribution to a discussion on the implosion of the Spartacist tendency (14 October 2021)

Audio recording of “What is ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’?” online forum (05 October 2021)

Marx or Deng? Critical observations on China’s Great Road by John Ross (03 October 2021)

From the NEP to forced collectivisation (03 October 2021)

Online public meeting (3 October) – What is “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”? (20 September 2021)

On Brazil 2016 and Egypt 2013 (20 September 2021)

Bolschewik Nr.39 (September 2021)

UK/NATO: Raus aus den russischen Hoheitsgewässern! (10. September 2021)

US/NATO-Niederlage in Afghanistan (5. September 2021)

Keine Wahl bei den Wahlen! Brecht mit der Partei die Linke! (3. September 2021)

US/NATO defeat in Afghanistan (26 August 2021)

Eine Partei greift nach der Macht (14. August 2021)

The 2008 pamphlet On the Logan Show Trial is now available (10 August 2021)

Aufstand in den USA (6. August 2021)

Crystallised Confusion – Socialist Alternative on the State and the Police (3 August 2021)

Larry Lawrence – a Remembrance (30 July 2021)

UK/NATO: stay out of Russia’s territorial waters! (10 July 2021)

The English language Marxist Archive has had a Miscellaneous section added (01 July 2021)

Die Notwendigkeit einer revolutionären Führung (27. Juni 2021)

Eko-Sosyalizm & “Yeşil Yeni Mutabakat” Hayalleri (22 June 2021)

Socialist Action: Time to Own Up – ‘Russian Imperialism’ & Flip-flops on Syria and Libya (16 June 2021)

Exchange with a former Spartacist (01 June 2021)

Bolschewik Nr.38 (Mai 2021)

Defend the Palestinians! Down with Zionist Terror! (18 May 2021)

Open letter to the IMT on the class character of the police (08 April 2021)

London “Kill the Bill” protest (05 April 2021)

Audio recording of “Eco-Socialism & ‘Green New Deal’ Pipe Dreams” online forum (29 March 2021)

Support the Alabama Amazon Workers! (27 March 2021)

Eco-Socialism & ‘Green New Deal’ Pipe Dreams (17 March 2021)

Online public meeting (28 March) – A critical analysis of the response to the GND by eco-socialists such as John Bellamy Foster (14 March 2021)

Statement by Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (13 March 2021)

On the Current Situation of the Revolutionary Left (28 February 2021)

Trump, Faschismus und die Erstürmung des Kapitols (24. Februar 2021)

Down With Corporate Censorship: Reinstate SEP/SWP (UK) Facebook Sites Immediately! (23 January 2021)

Dick Fraser on the Black Question in America: The revolutionary integrationist perspective section added to the English language Marxist Archive (18 January 2021)

On Trump, Fascism and the Invasion of the Capitol (14 January 2021)

Other materials from the revolutionary period of the Spartacists section added to the English language Marxist Archive (05 January 2021)
(Including the pamphlets The Stalin School of Falsification Revisited and Lenin and the Vanguard Party)

Kronstadt & Counterrevolution pamphlet from 2002 now available as a PDF (05 January 2021)

Bolshevik #1 now available (22 December 2020)

Howard Keylor’s 95th birthday (15 December 2020)

A pseudo-Trotskyist hybrid: Socialist Party on China (01 December 2020)

Audio recording of “Is China Capitalist?” online public forum (23 November 2020)

Once more on the IG & ‘Jailing Killer Cops’ (16 November 2020)

Trotsky’s Three Questions (16 November 2020)

Register for online public meeting (22 November) – Is China capitalist? (07 November 2020)

The Myth of Capitalist China (6 November 2020)

Spartacist material on the Youth Question section added to the English language Marxist Archive (25 September 2020)

Solidarität mit dem Roten Aufbau Hamburg (25. September 2020)

Audio recording of online public meeting – Green New Deal: Eco-socialist solution or capitalist swindle? (31 August 2020)

Online public meeting (29 August) – Green New Deal: Eco-socialist solution or capitalist swindle? (03 August 2020)

Racism, Trade Unions & the U.S. Working Class (17 July 2020)

Trotskyism in Ceylon: Edmund Samarakkody and the Spartacists and Spartacist materials on revolutionary defense policy sections added to the English language Marxist Archive (13 July 2020)

Audio recording of online public meeting – American Upheaval: Race, Reform and Revolution (12 July 2020)

American Upheaval – Chickens Coming Home to Roost (03 July 2020)

Selected articles from Women & Revolution section added to the English language Marxist Archive (01 July 2020)

Online public meeting (11 July) – American Upheaval: Race, Reform and Revolution (29 June 2020)

“Planet of the Humans” – Eine unausgewogene Kritik des kapitalistischen Öko-Wahnsinns (26. Juni 2020)

Video of BT supporter speaking on Marxism and the ecological crisis (18 June 2020)

All back issues of 1917 now available (12 June 2020)

Zur Kapitulation der IG in Brasilien 2016 (7. Juni 2020)

Bolshevik Tendency supporter speaking on Marxism and the ecological crisis (06 June 2020)

YouTube video – COVID-19 and the law of value (03 June 2020)

Audio recording of online public meeting – COVID-19: a Geo-Political Watershed (31 May 2020)

Online public meeting (30th May) – COVID-19: a Geo-Political Watershed (22 May)

‘Planet of the Humans’ – an uneven critique of capitalist eco-insanity (15 May 2020)

Spartacist: Issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980) section added to the English language Marxist Archive (07 May 2020)

Origins of the Spartacist Tendency section added to the English language Marxist Archive (01 May 2020)

COVID-19: ein geopolitischer Wendepunkt (20. April 2020)

CWI se desmorona (12 de abril 2020)

COVID-19: a Geo-Political Watershed (11 April 2020)

Report on a public meeting to discuss “How can we build a real alternative to FG/FF” (12 March 2020)

Report on UNAC Conference: Pressuring the Democrats—a Bankrupt Strategy (7 March 2020)

Discussion on what the Irish election represents in class terms (7 March 2020)

Bolschewik Nr. 37 (März 2020)

Correcting a serious misrepresentation and posing a few questions for Socialist Action (18 February 2020)

Revolutionary Marxism & Ireland’s 2020 election (05 February 2020)

The Struggle for the Middle East (02 February 2020 – corrected 18 February 2020)

The Brexit Election (10 December 2019)

CWI Implodes (23 November 2019)

On Russian cash flow in Caracas (14 November 2019)

“Demokratie”-Provokateure & Hongkongs kapitalistische Dystopie (7. Oktober 2019)

‘Democracy’ Provocateurs & Hong Kong’s Capitalist Dystopia (17 September 2019)

Sklerotische Spartacisten entwirren sich (ursprünglich veröffentlicht am 28. Mai 2010) (12. September 2019)

On the IG’s 2016 Capitulation in Brazil (28 August 2019)

100 Years Ago: Revolution in Germany
Audio of Bolshevik Tendency session at #LEFTFORUM2019 (28 July 2019)

Jim Who? James Robertson’s missing obituary (14 July 2019)

Leninism & Nationalism (14 July 2019)

Die bevorstehende Klimakatastrophe (30. Juni 2019)

100 Years Ago: Revolution in Germany (18 June 2019)
Bolshevik Tendency session at #LEFTFORUM2019

Liberaler Moralismus oder Klasssenkampf? (3. Juni 2019)

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal – Report on London meeting (6 May 2019)

James M. Robertson: Eine Bilanz (5. Mai 2019)

Hände weg von Julian Assange! (5. Mai 2019)

The Impending Climate Catastrophe (2 May 2019)

James M. Robertson: A Balance Sheet (14 April 2019)

Hands Off Julian Assange! (5 April 2019)

Venezuela & ‘Russian Imperialism’ (26 March 2019)

Defend Venezuela Against Imperialist Aggression! (26 March 2019)

Bolschewik Nr. 36 (Januar 2019)

Spenser Rapone and the Democratic Socialists of America (25 January 2019)