Marxist Bulletin No. 4
Expulsion from the Socialist Workers Party
Letter Refusing Appeal to World Congress
By Pierre Frank
May 28, 1965
Spartacist Resident Editorial Board
Box 1377, G.P.O.
New York, N.Y. 10001
Dear Comrade Turner:
In reply to your letter of May 18, we call your attention first of all to the fact that the Fourth International has no organizational connection with the Socialist Workers party and consequently has no jurisdiction in a problem such as you raise; namely, the application of democratic centralism as it affects the organization either as a whole or in individual instances.
Therefore, we limit ourselves merely to an observation of fraternal nature: the SWP provides for appeals to higher bodies; the proper place to direct your request is, consequently, to the next convention of the SWP.
As for the projected World Congress of the Fourth International, we should like to correct the misinformation you have received. The date is not at all in June.
United Secretariat of the Fourth International
Pierre Frank