A correction to ‘Jimstown as we knew it’

A former Spartacist League member who lived in New York City in the 1960s sent the following correction to “Jimstown as we knew it,” a piece by Tom Riley which we posted on 1 February:

Jim didn’t live in Spanish Harlem in the 60s/70. He lived on Claremont Avenue, which runs from 116th St…between Broadway and Riverside Drive and the park.

Riley replied:

You are quite right that it was not in Spanish Harlem. I dont know where that notion came from, but for decades I have thought of it that way…. I only visited Jims apartment once, in early 1974, and was struck by how modest it was and the amount of space consumed by his archives, all boxed and labelled neatly on steel shelving units. I recall taking the subway up the west side of Manhattan from West 4th and getting off not far from where he lived. I am quite willing to believe that it was Claremont Avenue, but cannot recall. However a quick check of a map confirms that it was definitely not Spanish Harlem which runs along the East River.