Event – International Action to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

Thursday, February 16 — International Action to: 

Free Mumia Abu Jamal!

This is the hour to fight for Mumia’s freedom. On Thursday, Feb. 16th, longshore workers in ILWU Local 10 will shut down the Ports of Oakland and San Francisco to demand freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Mumia was framed for killing a police officer. With Tyree Nichols’ murder, we know who the real criminals are!

Port Shutdown for Mumia, Thursday, February 16

March at noon from ILWU Local 10 400 North Point St., S. F.) to Harry Bridges Plaza (opposite the Ferry Building)
Rally at Harry Bridges Plaza, afterwards

Other international actions are being organized for Feb. 16:

Unions in South Africa, led by NUMSA (National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa) and RETUSA (Revolutionary Transport Union of South Africa) will demonstrate in Pretoria at the U.S. Embassy, and in Durban at the U.S. Consulate.

Railroad workers in Japan (Doro-Chiba union) will organize a demonstration for Mumia in front of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo.

Bay Area teachers, members of UESF (United Educators of San Francisco), OEA (Oakland Education Association) and PFT (Peralta Federation of Teachers) will also teach on Mumia’s case on February 16th.

We call on all Bay Area justice supporters to mobilize on Feb. 16 to join the ILWU action for Mumia’s freedom. 

Why now? Judge Lucretia Clemons of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas has ordered the Philadelphia District Attorney to turn over its files—up to 200 boxes—to Mumia’s defense team. His lawyers expect to find further evidence in those 200 boxes that he was framed, that police coerced and bribed witnesses, and that extreme racism and judicial bias have permeated all the proceedings against him.

Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
(415) 483-4428