1917 #26

Neutrality in the Face of Imperialism

Neutrality in the Face of Imperialism

Why Socialists say ‘Defend Iraq’! Reprinted below is a reply by the International Bolshevik Tendency to an 18 January 2003 leaflet from “an informal group of people in Toronto of varying perspectives (anarchist, communist...

No Innocent Explanation

No Innocent Explanation

CWI Leadership’s Role in Ukrainian Fraud In 1917 No. 24, we announced a “fusion” that took place at the Third International Conference of the IBT in 2001 with a group calling itself the “Young...

All That Glitters…

All That Glitters…

Young Militant Chooses IBT over ICL Reprinted below is an application to the IBT, submitted in September 2003, from a youth in Toronto. Over the past eight months I have carefully compared the politics...

From the IG to Trotskyism

From the IG to Trotskyism

Dutch ‘VVI’ Joins IBT In the month preceding the U.S./UK attack on Iraq, the web site of the Internationalist Group/League for the Fourth International (IG-LFI) highlighted the activity of its Dutch affiliate in the...

Leninism & Immigration

Leninism & Immigration

Polemics with the LRP Reprinted below is a letter to the League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP) on the question of the Marxist position on immigration. 30 May 2003 Comrades: In the report on...

Fifth Wheel Internationalists

Fifth Wheel Internationalists

Workers Power Abandons Trotskyist Pretensions In May 2003 the League for a Revolutionary Communist International (LRCI) announced that it henceforth wished to be known as the “League for a Fifth International” (L5I). This was...

Blowback in Iraq

Blowback in Iraq

Drive Out the Imperialists—By Any Means Necessary! The U.S. “liberation” of Iraq, trumpeted by the invaders as heralding a golden age of prosperity and democracy in the region, was seen for what it was...

China: Towards the Brink

China: Towards the Brink

Capitalism in a Deformed Workers’ State Millions of workers, poor peasants and other victims of the growth of capitalist social relations in China have been mobilizing on a massive scale. Their organizations are primitive...

Defend the Palestinians!

Defend the Palestinians!

Not Jew Against Arab, But Class Against Class! One of the important achievements of the French Revolution was Jewish emancipation—a process initiated in 1791 when the National Assembly, after considerable debate, decreed that henceforth...