Que Faire?
For Proletarian Politics The following is a translation of the conclusion of “No to Class Collaboration—Down with the Attack on Pensions!,” an article originally published in 1917, édition française, No.5, September 2010. Millions of...
For Proletarian Politics The following is a translation of the conclusion of “No to Class Collaboration—Down with the Attack on Pensions!,” an article originally published in 1917, édition française, No.5, September 2010. Millions of...
Self-Promotion & Timeless Abstractions During the autumn 2010 mass protests against French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s attack on pensions, many of the more class-conscious workers favored the idea of escalating the struggle into a general...
The Necessity of Revolutionary Leadership Capitalist austerity has provoked mass protests across Europe—in Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Britain and elsewhere. In France, the bourgeoisie is also intent on reversing past concessions; yet the depth...
A Crisis of Revolutionary Leadership The fall of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, long-time dictator of Tunisia, set off shock waves across the Arab world and sparked a popular revolt in Egypt, the most populous...
On the ‘Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions’ Campaign The Israeli ruling class and its international allies are increasingly apprehensive about the growing “delegitimation” of the Zionist state due to widespread revulsion at its bloody crimes....
For Joint Arab-Jewish Class Struggle to Smash Zionism! Shulamit Aloni is a former leader of Israel’s liberal Meretz party who served as education minister in Yitzhak Rabin’s Labor-led government in the early 1990s. Her...