1917 #38

Labourism Rebooted

Labourism Rebooted

Jeremy Corbyn & class-struggle politics Hundreds of thousands of people marched through London, Liverpool and Glasgow on 20 June in defiance of the recently elected Tory government, displaying an anger that has not been...

Spoil your ballot! No choice for workers in 2015!

Spoil your ballot! No choice for workers in 2015!

British workers need a revolutionary party ‘Though you would never know it from the campaigns’ petty squabbling, the country is heading for profound and potentially irrevocable change’, declares the Economist (2 May 2015). The...

Pandering to illusions in Sinn Féin

Pandering to illusions in Sinn Féin

Election 2016 and working-class independence The fightback against capitalist attacks in the name of “austerity” (or “recovery”) has been at the forefront of the class struggle in Ireland over the past few years. The...

Marxism & Bourgeois Elections

Marxism & Bourgeois Elections

CWI/Socialist Alternative providing left cover for Democrats The following is a lightly edited version of a talk given by an IBT comrade on a Platypus-sponsored panel in Chicago in April 2015. The Second Congress...

What Kind of Political Party?

What Kind of Political Party?

A shortened version of an IBT contribution to a panel discussion on “What is Political Party for the Left?” held in Chicago in April 2015. The question of what kind of party we should...

An Attack on the Working Class

An Attack on the Working Class

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Translation of “TTIP: Ein Angriff auf die Arbeiterklasse,” first published in German in January 2015 Since July 2013, the EU Commission, U.S. government officials and industry lobbyists have been...

Labor Action to Fight Racist Cop Terror!

Labor Action to Fight Racist Cop Terror!

Ferguson, Baltimore, Oakland: An Injury to One is an Injury to All! Oakland, 1 May 2015—Workers organized by International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10 voted two weeks ago to shut down the...

Middle East Chaos

Middle East Chaos

Imperialism, Islamic Reaction & Syria’s Civil War The state system established in the Middle East after World War I, when Britain and France carved up the Arab territories of the Ottoman Empire, appears close...