Audio recording of “Is China Capitalist?” online public forum
An audio recording of the Bolshevik Tendency public meeting “Is China Capitalist” held on Sunday 22 November 2020
An audio recording of the Bolshevik Tendency public meeting “Is China Capitalist” held on Sunday 22 November 2020
An audio recording of the Bolshevik Tendency public meeting “Green New Deal: Eco-socialist solution or capitalist swindle?” held on Saturday 29 August 2020
An audio recording of the Bolshevik Tendency public meeting “American Upheaval: Race, Reform and Revolution” held on Saturday 11 July 2020
In this interview by fellow Marxist Michael Roberts, Murray Smith explains the relevance of the law of value, the law of capitalist accumulation and the tendency of the rate of profit to fall and...
An audio recording of the Bolshevik Tendency public meeting “COVID-19: A Geo-political Watershed” held on Saturday 30 May 2020
Bolshevik Tendency presentation at the 2019 Left Forum in New York