What is a “Mass Paper”?
By Leon Trotsky, 30 November 1935, published in The Crisis of the French Section (1935-36) To the Members of the Bolshevik-Leninist Group: I have just learned that my letter to the Political Bureau on the...
By Leon Trotsky, 30 November 1935, published in The Crisis of the French Section (1935-36) To the Members of the Bolshevik-Leninist Group: I have just learned that my letter to the Political Bureau on the...
Introduction to The Fight For Socialism: The Principles and Program of the Workers Party, by Spartacist. Introductory works on socialism too often oversimplify to the point of being liberal mush. At the same time the author...
The Clock Without a Spring The following document, by Ken Tarbuck, was originally published in the Winter 1969-70 issue of Marxist Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1. The invasion of Czechoslovakia in August of 1968 by...
The following article, written by Cliff Slaughter, was originally published nearly forty years ago in Labour Review, theoretical organ of the British Socialist Labour League (SLL). It was reprinted, along with several others from the...
The Campaign against the Springbok Tour The leaflet below was first published on 29 August 1981 during a period of sharp social struggle in New Zealand around sporting ties to apartheid-ruled South Africa. There...