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Documents of Struggle (IBT split)
Why Things Fell Apart
Is Russia Imperialist?
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For Trotskyism!
Bolshevik Journal
Bolshevik #7 (2024)
Bolshevik #6 (2024)
Bolshevik #5 (2023)
Bolshevik #4 (2022)
Bolshevik #3 (2021)
Bolshevik #2 (2021)
Bolshevik #1 (2020)
1917 Journal
1917 #40 (2018)
1917 #39 (2017)
1917 #38 (2016)
1917 #37 (2015)
Full index of 1917
Trotskyist Bulletins
TB #1: Only Trotskyism Can Defend the Gains of October
TB #2: Marxism vs. Social Patriotism
TB #3: In Defence of the Trotskyist Program
TB #4: Nicaragua & the Permanent Revoution
TB #5: ICL vs. IBT
TB #6: Polemics with the Internationalist Group
TB #7: Marxism and the Quebec National Question
TB# 8: Afghanistan & the Left
ET Bulletins
Declaration of an external tendency of the iSt
Stop the Liquidation of the Trade Union Work
Bulletin of the External Tendency of the iSt 1
Bulletin of the External Tendency of the iSt 2
Bulletin of the External Tendency of the iSt 3
Bulletin of the External Tendency of the iSt No. 4
Polemics with ICL
On the Logan Show Trial
Sclerotic Spartacists Unravel
ICL Embraces Pabloite Hydra: Leninism & Nationalism
Whatever Happened to the Spartacist League?
Kurdistan & the Struggle for National Liberation
Jimstown as we knew it
Polemics with Anarchists
Conversation With An Anarchist
Platformism & Bolshevism
Kronstadt & Counterrevolution
Mumia Abu-Jamal
The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Marxism vs. ‘Militant’ Reformism
Solidarność: Acid Test for Trotskyists
Marxist Archive
BT YouTube Channel
Other Videos of interest
Wer wir sind
Für den Trotzkismus!
Bolschewik Nr. 42 (2024)
Bolschewik Nr. 41 (2023)
Bolschewik Nr. 40 (2022)
Bolschewik Nr. 39 (2021)
Bolschewik Nr.38 (2021)
Bolschewik Voller Index
Trotzkistische Bulletins
Nr. 1 – Die SpAD in der DDR
Nr. 2 – Der August-Putsch – das Ende der Sowjetunion
Nr. 3 – NEPAL „Volkskrieg“ im Himalaya
Nr. 4 – Plattformismus & Bolschewismus
Nr. 5 – Solidarność
Stellungnahmen/ Flugblätter
Lenin über den Imperialismus
Gruppe IV. Internationale Bulletins & Dokumente
Marxistisches Archiv
Kommunistische Korrespondenz Nr. 1 – 30 (1974 – 1980)
Spartacist Deutsch
Lenin & die Avantgardepartei
Leninismus gegen Stalinismus
Pour le trotskysme!
Les déclarations
1917, édition française
1917, édition française, n° 8 (2013)
1917, édition française, n° 7 (2012)
1917, édition française, n° 6 2011
1917, édition française, n° 5 2010
1917, édition française, n° 4 2003
1917, édition française, n° 3 1995
1917, édition française, n° 2 1994
1917, édition française, n° 1 1993
Compare et contraste
Solidarnosc : Épreuve de vérité pour les trotskystes (version abrégée)
Por el Trotskismo!
En Defensa Del Programa Trotskista
CWI se desmorona
Marxismo y el reformismo de ‘Militant’
Solidarność: Prueba de fuego para los trotskistas
Declaraciones y folletos
Archivos Marxistas
Pelo Trotskismo!
Lenin e o Partido de Vanguarda
Outras declarações
Os marxistas falam sobre o conflito entre a Rússia e o Imperialismo
За троцкизм!
Кто мы
Заяви, статті та листівки
Хто ми
Eko-Sosyalizm & “Yeşil Yeni Mutabakat” Hayalleri
Voor het Trotskyisme!
O trockizm!
پیش به سوی تروتسکیسم
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Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (September-October 1968) #12
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (March-April 1968) #11
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (May-June 1967) #10
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (January-February 1967) #09
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (November-December 1966) #08
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (September-October 1966) #07
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (June-July 1966) #06
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (November-December 1965) #05
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (May-June 1965) #04
Spartacist, issues 1 to 30 (1964-1980)
Spartacist (January-February 1965) #03
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