Ao longo do texto foram traduzidos do original em inglês, russo e alemão, tanto os títulos das fontes quanto os trechos citados como forma de facilitar a compreensão para o leitor de língua portuguesa. A seguir, estão as fontes originais em inglês, russo e alemão.
Baron, Samuel H., Plekhanov, Father of Russian Marxism (Stanford, 1963)
Cliff, Tony, Lenin – Volume 1: Building the Party (Londres, 1975)
Dan, Theodore, The Origins of Bolshevism (Nova Iorque, 1970)
G., Barbara, Democratic Centralism (Chicago, 1972)
Gankin, Olga Hess e Fisher, H.H., eds., The Bolsheviks and the World War (Stanford, 1940)
Getzler, Israel, Martov: Political Biography of a Russian Social Democrat (Londres, 1967)
Geyer, Dietrich, “Die russische Parteispaltung im Urteil der deutschen sozialdemokratie 1903-1905”, International Review of Social History, 1958
Haimson, Leopold H., The Russian Marxists and the Origins of Bolshevism (Cambridge, 1955)
Kautsky, Karl, The Road to Power (Nova Iorque, 1909)
Keep, J.L.H., The Rise of Social Democracy in Russia (Londres, 1963)
Lenin, V.I., Collected Works (Moscou, 1960)
Luxemburg, Rosa, Leninism or Marxism? (Ann Arbor, 1961)
McNeal, Robert H., ed., Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Volume 1: The Russiam Social Democratic Labour Party (Toronto, 1974)
Marie, Jean-Jacques, introdução a Que faire?
Marks, Harry J., ”The Sources of Reformism in the Germn Social-Democratic Party, 1890-1914,” Journal of Modern History, 1939
Nettl, J.P., Rosa Luxemburg (Nova Iorque, 1966)
Piatnitsky, Osip, Memoirs of a Bolshevik (Westport, Connecticut, 1973)
Plekhanov, G.V., Selected Philosophical Works, Volume 1 (Moscou, 1961)
Preobrazhensky, Evgenyi, ”Marxism and Leninism” Molodoya Gvardiya (Moscou), 1924, edição comemorativa especial
Red Weekly (Londres), 11 de novembro de 1976, ”The Bolshevik Faction and the Fight for the Party”
Schapiro, Leonard, The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Nova Iorque, 1971)
Schorske, Carl, German Social Democracy 1905-1917 (Cambridge, 1955)
Slaughter, Cliff, Lenin on Dialetics (Nova Iorque, 1971)
Trotsky, Leon, In Defense of Marxism (Nova Iorque, 1973); My Life (Nova Iorque, 1970); Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influences (Nova Iorque, 1970); ”Unsere politischen Aufgaben,” Schriften zur revolutionaren Organisation (Hamburgo, 1970)
Walling, William English, ed., The Socialists and the War (Nova Iorque, 1915)
Wolfe, Bertrarn, Three Who Made a Revolution (Nova Iorque, 1948)
Zinoviev, Gregori, History of the Bolshevik Party: From the Beginnings to February 1917 (London, 1973); Der Krieg und die Krise des Sozialismus (Vienna, 1924) [transcrito na New International (Nova Iorque) 1939-1942]