1917 #11

LA: Days of Rage

LA: Days of Rage

Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution! Supplement to 1917, May 1992 With the “end of communism” America’s rulers dreamed of a “new world order” in which the oppressed would meekly submit to their oppressors. The...

Comrade Nedy

Comrade Nedy

Comrade Juanita ‘‘Nedy’’ Hillman, administrative counselor for San Francisco Bay Area Local 1100, Department Store Employees Union, and a Trotskyist since her youth, died on 1 February of complications from pneumonia. She was 45...

Defend the Cuban Revolution!

Defend the Cuban Revolution!

Smash Yankee Imperialism! The overthrow of the corrupt and brutal neo-colonial regime of Fulgencio Batista in January 1959, and the subsequent expropriation of the Cuban bourgeoisie, was a victory for working people everywhere. With...

Nationalism & Counterrevolution

Nationalism & Counterrevolution

Yugoslav Civil War The historical tragedy of the collapse of the Soviet Union has been paralleled in the Balkans with the bloody demise of the Yugoslav federation. In both the USSR and Yugoslavia the...

DDR Junked

DDR Junked

First the Wall…Then the Factories The following article is an edited report by a comrade of the Gruppe Spartakus (German section of the International Bolshevik Tendency) outlining the process of capitalist restoration in the...

Counterrevolution Triumphs in USSR

Counterrevolution Triumphs in USSR

Defend Soviet Workers Against Yeltsin’s Attacks! The International Bolshevik Tendency published the following statement in September 1991: The aborted Moscow coup of 19-21 August was so ill-conceived and executed that it almost didn’t happen....

‘His Truth is Marching On’

‘His Truth is Marching On’

On 16 October 1991 the John Brown Society held its first annual Awards Banquet at the historic Fraunces Tavern in New York City on the anniversary of John Brown’s attack on Harper’s Ferry. Founded...

German Reunification Fuels Fascist Terror

German Reunification Fuels Fascist Terror

The continuing fascist attacks on immigrants in Germany have been front page news around the world. In an orgy of bloody terror, gangs of fascist thugs armed with iron bars, clubs, pellet guns, chains...

Soviet Rubicon & the Left

Soviet Rubicon & the Left

Three Days in August In the weeks following the failed coup attempt of 19‐21 August, the International Bolshevik Tendency was virtually alone among self-proclaimed Trotskyists in recognizing that this event marked the end of...