1917 #29

Imperialism, Zionism & the Middle East

Imperialism, Zionism & the Middle East

On the ‘Israel Lobby’ In early 2006, as the U.S. foreign policy establishment debated whether civil war in Iraq was underway or merely imminent, two prominent American academics, John Mearsheimer of the University of...

Zionist Terror in Lebanon

Zionist Terror in Lebanon

For a Socialist Federation of the Middle East! The following statement was published by the International Bolshevik Tendency on 30 July 2006. Three weeks ago the Mediterranean seaport of Beirut bustled with commercial activity....

The ‘Anti-CPE’ Movement in France

The ‘Anti-CPE’ Movement in France

Mass Resistance & Reformist Treachery The following article was originally posted on www.bolshevik.org on 27 May 2006. The recent struggle to spike the Contrat première embauche (CPE—First Job Contract for young workers) demonstrated the...

On Criticism of Misleaders

On Criticism of Misleaders

Letter to Workers Vanguard The following letter was sent to Workers Vanguard, newspaper of the Spartacist League/U.S., with a postscript which does not appear below. 10 July 2006 To the editor: The 9 June...

The Class Nature of the Unions

The Class Nature of the Unions

SEP: Defeatist and Confusionist “The question of the relationships between the party, which represents the proletariat as it should be, and the trade unions, which represent the proletariat as it is, is the most...

The ‘New’ German Reformism

The ‘New’ German Reformism

WASG & the ‘Far Left’ In June 2004, dissident members of Germany’s governing Social Democratic Party (SPD) and a handful of trade-union officials launched the Wahlalternative Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit (WASG—Electoral Alternative for Labor...

Letter to NEFAC

Letter to NEFAC

Reformism, Pacifism & Anarcho-Opportunism The following letter was sent to the Montreal branch of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists. 5 September 2006 Comrades: On 6 August thousands of people marched in Montreal under the...

Endgame in Iraq

Endgame in Iraq

Imperialists Out of the Middle East! A month before retiring as United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan observed: “The US is in a way trapped in Iraq, trapped in the sense that it cannot...

In Defense of Leninism

In Defense of Leninism

Anarchist Organization and Vanguardism The question of what, if any, type of revolutionary organization is necessary has always been a thorny one for anarchists. The most hard-core “organizational” anarchist trend is “Platformism,” which takes...